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vol.25 issue2Multiterritorialidad en la Patagonia rural esteparia: Destinos de la tierra, ausentismo y problemáticas emergentesInstituciones, políticas públicas y desarrollo territorial en áreas rurales del partido de Patagones, provincia de Buenos Aires (2000-2014) author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Universitaria de Geografía

On-line version ISSN 1852-4265


JABARDO PEREDA, Virginia  and  PADILLA Y SOTELO, Lilia Susana. La escasez de agua en la Huasteca Potosina (México): conflictos locales. Rev. Univ. geogr. [online]. 2016, vol.25, n.2, pp. 133-165. ISSN 1852-4265.

In a country like Mexico, the wide variety of natural resources, such as water, coexist with a poor distribution among the population. Therefore, availability becomes a priority for the political agenda and, still today, no solution has been provided. The aim of this paper is, firstly, to determine the use and management of water in the region of the Huasteca Potosina where shortage is an issue. Secondly, from concrete case studies, it is necessary to explain the emergence of local conflicts resulting from a more than questionable management of this resource, which must be faced by users and the institutional power. The main conclusion results in the transfer of control of natural resources by the government authorities following the logic of capital, in the context of the implementation of various hydraulic projects that even involve privatization.

Keywords : Water; Scarcity; Water Projects; Huasteca Potosina; Conflicts.

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