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vol.3 número1Eficiencia técnica, productividad y desarrollo tecnológico en la industria de seguros generalesEstudio de caso de responsabilidad social empresaria: Alimentos Funcionales de Cooperativa Obrera Ltda índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Escritos Contables y de Administración

versão On-line ISSN 1853-2055


DURAN, Regina et al. Calidad territorial y desarrollo sustentable: Modelo de gestión para PyMEs de agroturismo. Escr. Contab. Adm. [online]. 2012, vol.3, n.1, pp. 127-153. ISSN 1853-2055.

This paper attempts to design the basis for a Quality Management System with a territorial approach, which within the framework of Sustainable Rural Development generates competitive advantages for Agritourism SME's belonging to the Rural Change Group, National Institute of Agricultural Technology, "Cortaderas II" in the south west of the Buenos Aires province. In this case study, information was gathered through interviews, surveys and direct observation. The model is formulated adapting the elements, principles and values of the European "Territorial Quality Mark" and it incorporates a participatory certification process considering the Brazilian experience, which is similar to what happens in Argentina. We conclude that, due to their successful group work dynamics, the enterprises under study are in a condition to implement this proposal and can thus overcome the difficulties of undergoing an individual certification process of quality standards in order to move on when they are prepared.

Palavras-chave : Territory; Sustainable Development; Agritourism; SME's; Quality management.

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