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Cuadernos del Sur. Filosofía

versión On-line ISSN 2362-2989


LOPEZ HANNA, Sonia  y  BRANDO, Juan. Crítica de Habermas a Marx: la síntesis mediante el trabajo social. Cuad. Sur, Filos. [online]. 2011, n.40, pp. 57-68. ISSN 2362-2989.

This issue is an attempt to show Habermas opinion about work social synthesis present in Karl Marx sociological theory. First, we describe Habermas analysis to Hegel phenomenological method, showing his prominent success and limits. Second part speaks how work social theory may be understood through Kantian synthesis. Materialist foundation not allow, says Habermas, accept the existence same super-structural cultural elements. Finally, we examine Habermas objections in order to build an appropriate interpretation of sociological - anthropological aspects of Marx theory.

Palabras llave : Habermas; Marx; Social Work.

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